Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, January 13, 2024
The Time Has Come to Leave the World
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on January 10, 2024
There is God, O man:
He looks down on you from His Heaven and blesses you, He calls you back to Himself to give you of Himself. Turn your heart to your God Love, to your Creator, O man!!! Come and celebrate with Him; He will restore your life in eternal love and joy.
Do not delay, O man:
the time has come to be read in all its parts; cry out your sorrow to Him who created you, ask to be embraced by Him, surrender yourself to His arms, ask for His help, come alive again, my Child.
Behold, the hour has come
to forsake the world, to shelter yourself in the arms of your Creator . Look into the world My blessed child, look!
What do you see that is good?
Nothing is good anymore, Satan is devouring everything good, he is imposing his evil laws, he is clinging his claws into the souls of men! Return quickly to your Maker, O man, your time is now at an end!...wake up! The funeral of a man of power will bring more trials to overcome.
Roll the drums to death, for this Humanity that has fallen into Satan's traps!
Repent, O men:
repent and ask forgiveness for having offended your Creator so harshly: Betrayal to God is an abomination.... marks death!!!
Jesus is still crucified because of your sins, O men:
His pain is endless,
out of love He gave you His Life and ... you wasted it.
My children and "no longer Mine" by your free choice, behold I say to you in truth:
the clock of time is about to strike its last gong, you have come to the end!
Prepare yourself, O man,:
the disaster that will befall the Earth will be devastating for you ... if you have not returned to My arms. I will not be able to save you without your consent!
I am looking at your future,
you wound My Heart, My pain is great, I lose My Children!!!
Listen Israel:
listen to the cry of your God, return to Him--now! Don't waste time--give your Creator the joy of having you all "His" again. Save yourself, O man, save yourself!!! Amen.
I await your conversion...
I long to embrace you back to Me.
I bless you.
Source: ➥