Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, December 25, 2022
Come Lord into My Life, Transform It with Love, Come Lord Jesus into My Heart
Message of Our Lady to Marco Ferrari in Paratico, Brescia, Italy, During the Prayer of the 4th Sunday of the Month
My dear and beloved children, the King of Peace, Christ Jesus, was born to bring peace and love to the world, welcome him children!
My children, in these days I have seen so many of you hurried and busy in their material expenses, in the search for gifts, in the preparation of dishes, in the cleaning of the house... but few have bothered to prepare their hearts for the arrival of the Lord Jesus. Children, there is a danger of having everything affixed, tidy and clean, but not having the heart ready to welcome the Christmas birthday boy who is Jesus and His eternal Word. Repeat with Me, dear children, in faith: come Lord into My life, transform it with love, come Lord Jesus into My heart!
I invite you, My children, not to worry about worldly things but to prepare your heart for the encounter with Him. Jesus was born for you, He came into the world to give you His love, children welcome Him and take Him to those who are far from His love.
Children, with Jesus in My arms, I bless you in the name of God who is Father, in the name of God who is Son, in His name, and in the name of God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
I caress you, hold you to My heart and kiss you one by one.
Let us walk together in peace and light children....
Ciao, My children.
Source: ➥