Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, February 8, 2022
My children, hard times await you, times of trial and pain. Dark times. I beg you not to fear, hold the rosary in your hands and pray
Message of Our Lady to Angela in Zaro di Ischia, Italy

This evening Mama showed up all dressed in white, even the mantle that enveloped her was white, thin and also covered her head. On her head Mama had a crown of twelve stars. Mama had her hands joined in prayer, and in her hands was a long, white rosary, as white as light, which almost reached her feet. Her feet were barefoot and rested on the world. On the world was the serpent, shaking its tail loudly and making sounds that sounded like cries.
Mama held him down with her right foot, but he kept moving hard, Mama slightly lowered the crown of the holy rosary towards him and immediately he was still
Mama had a very sad face and a tear rolled down her face until it fell to the ground.
Praised be Jesus Christ
Dear children, thank you for being here in my blessed wood, for welcoming me and responding to this call of mine,
Beloved children, also this evening I ask you for prayer, prayer for my beloved Church.
My children, hard times await you, times of trial and pain. Dark times.
My children, I beg you not to fear, hold the rosary in your hands and pray. This is a strong time, a time of conversion and return to God, please listen to me!
The Church needs to be sustained with prayer, pray much for my chosen and beloved sons. Pray a lot for the Vicar of Christ.
At this point, Mama lowered her head and gave a long silence, then resumed speaking. As Mama spoke, visions flowed in front of me and I prayed with her for a long time afterwards.
After praying with her, she said to me:
Children, please pray the holy rosary every day, approach the sacraments and nourish yourselves every day with the body of my son Jesus. I beg you, my children, do not let yourselves be found unprepared. The prince of this world wants to destroy all that is good. His greatest goal is the destruction of the Church to the point of losing the faith and the destruction of families.
Then Mama spread her arms and prayed over those present.
Finally she blessed. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.